About Us
For over 150 years, Warwick Central Church has served the ministry needs of Apponaug and the broader Warwick Community. We are a friendly place to explore your faith.
Our Vision
GROW in love and devotion to Jesus
“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever.” (2 Peter 3:18)
God has began working His own good work in our lives. He desires for us to embrace the love and grace He offers, GROW in our knowledge, love and devotion to Him, and to surrender our lives and follow the teachings of Jesus.
In order for us to follow the teachings of Jesus, we need to know them. Unless we know the truth, we can not “speak the truth in love.” As disciples of Jesus, our responsibility is to listen, learn and respond to God’s calling on our life. God calls us to transform our minds through not only reading the Bible, but also applying its truth in our lives.
SHARE the love and good news of Jesus
“Always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)
Jesus told his followers to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19) The apostle Paul talked about how Christ’s love compels us to SHARE the good news with others. (1Cor. 9:16) The greatest gift we can ever share with a family member, friend or co-worker is the life-saving love of Jesus.
Sharing Christ’s love with others, in both action and in word, is one of the great blessings and responsibilities of the Christian walk. This can happen at the dinner table, at the coffee station at work, or on a mission trip halfway around the world. Wherever it happens, we know that God is with us and will direct our ways to accomplish His purpose.
SERVE God by serving others
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10)
Jesus didn’t leave heaven and come to earth to be served, but to SERVE others. He invites you to join Him in putting the needs of others before your own. A servant’s heart is our greatest testimony to how God’s grace has changed our lives.
When the Holy Spirit indwells us, we are blessed with spiritual gifts that empower and equip us to serve God and His people. God has given each of us time and treasures to use to glorify Him and help others. A vital part of the Christian life involves using these in daily and lifelong acts of service.
Our History
The “Warwick Central Free Will Baptist Church” was organized in 1835 by the Rev. Benjamin Phelon to occupy our present sanctuary, built a year earlier. From 1835 to 1945, “Warwick Central” faithfully served farmers, fishermen and mill workers as a small village church here in Apponaug. Following World War II, the congregation grew fourfold in membership through the 1960’s by adding many young families, as Warwick grew from a quiet semi-rural community of 20,000 to a bustling suburb of 90,000. In 1958, we doubled our facilities by adding an educational and office wing. Twenty years later, we added an adult daycare center/fellowship hall and large lower room to the rear of a slightly expanded sanctuary
During the 1970s, the people of Warwick Central sought to serve our community in innovative ways. “Building Blocks Childcare Center” was founded to serve the growing daycare needs of working parents, and continues to do so today. During the 1970s, led by the Rev. P. Bishop Covell, our Pastor Emeritus, we started an adult daycare center to serve Warwick’s frail elderly. This was one of the very first centers of its kind at the time. In 1985 “Daycare” (now “Cornerstone Adult Services”) became a separate non-profit agency because of the substantial growth of the program. We also opened our doors to community-service and self-help groups that still bring hundreds of people into our building each week, year round.
Over the past 20 years, we have experienced the aging of our post-war leaders, the departure of their adult children and the arrival of many new active members. Through the changes God has blessed us with able lay and pastoral leadership, effective educational, music and youth ministries, meaningful mission and service experiences, and, in the past 5 years, steadily increasing worship attendance. As the new millennium begins we seek to stay on “the growing edge of tradition” by maintaining effective ministry and mission, while seeking God’s leading to meet emerging needs through innovative new ministries. We invite you to join us in this exciting venture for Christ as we make history for the next generation.