Welcome to Our Church
Join Us For Morning Worship
Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15 AM
Adult Bible Study: 9:00 AM
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, the members of the Warwick Central Baptist Church extend a warm welcome and invite you to visit our church through this page. WCBC is a community of believers that is committed to Growing in Christ, Sharing Christ and Serving Christ together.
We welcome people of all walks of life as we seek to build a healthy spiritual community with love and humility, reflecting the character of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We strive to blend the faith witness and wisdom of our older members with the excitement and enthusiasm of the younger people, so that our life together, and the ministries that emerge from our fellowship, are fresh, vital, and prophetic.
You will find Warwick Central to be relaxed in its style worship, and, while we wish to you make you feel most welcome, we do recognize that it can sometimes feel intimidating to enter a church you’re not familiar with. You are our respected and welcome guest, and we hope you will feel as comfortable in our house as you would in that of a valued friend. Please don’t hesitate to ask our greeters at the door if you have any questions, or need somebody to help you manage the Bible and Hymnal during the service.
We hope, as well, that this information will give you a better understanding of the way we worship, and help you feel more at home when you join us..